Dashboard November 17 – 21, 2014







MONDAY: An FOMC Statement Report ois due this week as the montjly cycle comes to its end. Sometimes that makes for a volatile combination, although for the peast year the trend has been higher when the Fed speaks

TUESDAY:     It has been more than 35 years since the S&P 500 has strung together as many days of having moved 0.1% or less and today doesn’t give any early impression of doing otherwise. However, over the past few months the day before an FOMC Statement release has been a solidly performing one.

WEDNESDAY: The FOMC Statement is released today and there are no fewer than 6 speeches by Federal Reserve Governors between now and the end of trading this week.

THURSDAY:    For the second consecutive month the FOMC Statement release created no response from the market, but as is often the case , the following day may hold some surprises. This morning may be one of those days as early indications have the market heading lower

FRIDAY:  A boost from China from interest rate cuts and more assurances from ECB’s Draghi look like they may help market end the November 2014 cycle on a positive note




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Weekly Summary


Dashboard – November 10 – 14, 2014







MONDAY:  A quiet futures trading session to begin a week that has little scheduled on the economic front and with earnings winding down should mean a sedate kind of day, just like last week’s series of events should have meant a boisterous week.

TUESDAY:     .Another day that looks to follow yesterday’s relatively listless trading, perhaps even more so as banks and bond markets are closed in honor of Veterans Day

WEDNESDAY:  The market appears to be a loittle more negative than the past 2 days, as trading is getting ready to begin, but still nothing to fan flames in either direction is on the horizon this week

THURSDAY:    Wal-Mart, Macys, JC Penney give mixed results. It’s not just about profits, but revenues as well and revenues are universally increasing, even as profits may be higher, leading to questions of consumer participation and the underlying strength of the economy

FRIDAY:  Another quiet day to end a very quiet week, that still somehow made new records, appears to be today’s fate




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Weekly Summary


Dashboard – November 3 – 7, 2014







MONDAY:  Elections and Employment Situation Report characterize the week after one marked by unexpected events and reactions. No surprise events are expected this week, but the reactions are less predictable

TUESDAY:     Another relatively quiet day looms ahead, with no real reason to be much different from yesterday’s trading. Tomorrow’s election results and ADP Employment Report may begin a busy latter half of the week.

WEDNESDAY:  Election results are in and the market seems to like what it sees, maybe hopeful of some adult like behavior to come as a result of power sharing. However, victors and losers alike probably only focused on what they can do to make themselves look better in 2016 and their opponents look worse, rather than working toward something of mutual value

THURSDAY:    ECB is center stage today and Employment Situation Report tomorrow as we come off yesterday’s post-election highs. Today awaits teh ECB, but expectations for anything substantive are now low. Any announcement of an EU version of Quantitative Easing should send US markets much higher for a short while

FRIDAY:  Today the Employment SItuation Report will set the tone and expectations are for another good month of job gains. The market usually reacts in line with those numbers and expectations.




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Weekly Summary


Dashboard – October 27 – 31, 2014







MONDAY:  With very little scheduled news this week the FOMC Statement release this week looms more important than usual. For now the market digests election news from Brazil, whose market is down nearly 8% in the futures and barely even seems to burp.

TUESDAY:     Today’s early futures look to be a little less ambivalent than yesterday’s market, but there’s still very little reason for the market to do much today while still awaiting tomorrow’s FOMC Statement.

WEDNESDAY:  Very divided opinion over reaction to whatever is contained in today’s FOMC Statement release. With yesterday’s nearly 200 point gain you could excuse the market for not following through, although lately the pattern has been to celebrate before and after

THURSDAY:    The day after the end of QE, which was announced about a year ago and the world neither celebrated nor went into panic. I found that surprising, but there’s still today to deal with the hangover or its cure





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Weekly Summary


Dashboard – October 20 – 24, 2014







MONDAY:  Thankfully, IBM is not the market leader it once used to be, unless your market is the DJIA. Their earnings do little to push Friday’s rally forward

TUESDAY:     Lots of earnings this morning after Apple’s report yesterday afternoon, but nothing to shake things up, as the market still looks like it has a little momentum from yesterday’s move higher.

WEDNESDAY:  After a couple of strong days it may ne nice to see the market simply taking a rest as it starts the day less than 4% below ots market top

THURSDAY:    The morning’s future looks as if we’re returning to a volleyball like environment. What yesterday took away may be given back today

FRIDAY:  Markets appear calm despite having easy excuse to give up yesterday’s big gain, following news of new Ebola case in NYC.




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Weekly Summary