Sometimes, when you take a superficial look at things, you really don’t see the beauty.
I have to admit that while I’m not a real glossy person in life and while I’ve never been one to look for thrills or seek to stand out, I do like stocks that have character.
In a perverse way, I think that I may even like stocks that treat me poorly.
There is probably a name for that sort of thing and there is probably a diagnosis that goes along with the propensity to get some joy out of misfortune.
In case you don’t know the term, it is Schadenfreude.
This week, though, it was a different Germanic word that came to mind, as I marked the end of an almost 2 year association with the shares of Weyerhaeuser.
During that time, I never really even learned how to spell its name without having to look it up, even as “Schadenfreude” comes as second nature. read more